I started my stationery business about 8 yrs ago. It was difficult to find unique stationery supplies like notecards, invitations, food tags, so I began making my own. My friends and family began hiring me for special jobs and party planning so things just blossomed from there. When the economy took a turn I noticed a decrease in sales so I started selling printables. I opened my Etsy shop last January and have been really pleased with the results.
What brought you to etsy?
There is an instant audience. People who might never have found me through my own online advertising can easily find me on Etsy.
How long have you been crafting?
Since I was a little girl. I used to make outfits for my dolls with scraps of fabric my aunt gave me.

Probably How to be a Good Wife. Every bridal shower I attend I am asked to bring this game and it just makes everyone laugh. It is a really good ice breaker and not too "cheesy". People who don't like to play games do like this.
What is your "day job?"
In addition to being a fulltime wife and mom to my son, Glenn, who is 9yrs old, and my newborn, Megan, who was born April 27th, I work fulltime for Sports Illustrated/GOLF Magazine as a Sales Coordinator. I love my job, my boss, the people I work with, and the company. I really lucked out.
Where do you find inspiration?
Bridal shows, cakes, magazines, cute little boutique stationery stores. I love to scrapbook so I look at new designs like a scrapbook page. I am constantly rotating graphics, playing with fonts, colors. I can spend an hour trying to find the right font.

What is one thing you wish you could do better?
Manage my time. It is hard to find a balance sometimes between working, filling orders, spending time with family, connecting with friends, housework, cooking, etc... My husband is a huge supporter in whatever I want to do and he knows now that "Party Week" as I call it - the week leading up to an event - makes me a little stressed so he has learned to just let me go and do my thing. I wish there were more hours in the day!
What is one crafting tool you couldn't live without?
Paper cutter.
What is your favorite book/movie/song?
Cane River is my favorite book. Gone with the Wind and Enchanted are my favorite movies. I don't have a favorite song but my favorite artist is Brad Paisley.
Where else can we find you?